Why is my hair falling out?

Androgenic Alopecia

This  is the most common type of hair loss that adults suffer with and is  often referred to as patterned hair loss. Caused by an innate sensitivity to  circulating & locally produced androgen hormones generated during  puberty.  Androgens influence and disrupt the growth cycle of scalp hair. Patterned Hair Loss in males normally begins with regression at the front hair line. This kind of hair loss can start as early as late teens. Female patterned hair loss (FPHL) is seen to start mostly in women 30+ however FPHL can  be triggered as a secondary hair loss concern caused by other factors.  In women (PHL)  presents as diffuse thinning of hair starting with more scalp showing at the centre parting, without change to the position of the front hair line. A trichologist can help you understand & manage your personal hair loss concern and help you slow hair loss so that you keep the hair you have for longer.

Cicatrical Alopecias

Hair loss with scarring of the scalp as a side effect – the scars are not raised they are under the surface of the scalp. This kind of hair loss is often a symptom of underlying illness.  Autoimmune illnesses such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, Discoid Lupus Erythematosis, Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia, Folliculitis Decalvens and Lichen Planus commonly cause this kind of hair loss concern. When the stem cells in the bulge area of the hair shaft are damaged hair loss is permanent. Inflammation caused by underlying autoimmune disease is responsible for this damage. Hair loss can be stopped so that scarring is kept to the minimum if this kind of alopecia is identified quickly by a trichologist and throughly investigated in collaboration with a medical professional. Scarring can be disguised with cosmetic camouflage, and surrounding hair preserved with ongoing use of a suitable treatment. 

Telogen Effluvium

Aside from Female Pattern hair loss, women can also suffer with diffuse or thinner hair for other reasons. Telogen Effluvium is a reflective type of hair loss.  Underlying causes include physical health issues, stress, iron deficiencies, thyroid imbalances, polycystic ovaries, anxiety, depression etc. This leads to an increased rate of hair fall over the whole scalp and thinnig hair. 

Alopecia Areata

This condition features as oval or round bald patches on the scalp and/or beard. There may be one or more patches. A patch can get bigger and encroach on another patch, creating an even larger bald area. A completely bald spot suddenly appears. The hairs around it are badly formed hair being thin at the root and thicker at the tip aka “exclamation mark” hairs. Some people may only suffer for a few months from start to end, but others can be unfortunate and have problems for a year or more. 

Traction Alopecia

This is caused by continual pulling or stress on the hair. Certain hairstyles, ponytails, plaits, tightly wound rollers, over-vigorous brushing or combing etc, over a period of time, can pull hair out potentially damaging the follicles. This can also be caused by wearing tight head coverings persistently. As hair is continuously pulled out of the same follicles, they go into a degenerative state and, eventually, give up hair production. This can cause areas to look thinner. 


This is a form of tractional alopecia. It represents itself as a patchy, balding area caused by an irresistible desire to pull, pluck, tug or twist ones own hair out. It more often relates to adolescent maturing females who usually concentrate on one main patch. This condition is described as an impulse-control disorder. Older hairs are easily pulled but newer hairs tend to break near the scalp when tugged so the patches are never usually completely bald.Although the area can become quite sore and sensitive, this may not deter the person as they can often begin to enjoy the painful sensation.Treatment does help to regrow hairs from follicles that are still alive, but degenerative scarring will take place if the person persists for long periods. If the patient understands this, they will often stop the habit.

Hair loss can often be reversed however require swift and consistent therapy. A Trichologist is most qualified to aid your diagnosis and often work in conjunction with other medical professionals. If you wish to find out how NR Trichology can help you, simply contact us or book your appointment today. 


If you feel you may be suffering with any of the complaints listed on this page and wish to find out more about how NR Ttrichology can help you, simply book us online.